TVLab Fund For Experiment Inquiry
The TVLab Fund for Experimental Inquiry (TVLFEI) offered all Taubman College faculty the opportunity to engage in projects that leverage emergent visualization technology to push the boundaries of communication within Architecture, Planning, and Urban Design.
We are pleased to announce that the following five proposals were awarded to pursue their research projects in the lab, culminating in a public presentation and exhibition during the Fall 2024 semester.
We are pleased to announce that the following five proposals were awarded to pursue their research projects in the lab, culminating in a public presentation and exhibition during the Fall 2024 semester.

Cincinnati Reuse Collective:An Extended Reality Workshop Series on Housing Repair in Cincinnati’s West End Cyrus Peñarroyo, De Peter Yi, Hayden Shelby
A collaboration between architecture and planning faculty and students from University of Michigan and University of Cincinnati, this proposal seeks funds to develop an extended reality workshop series that will encourage and equip residents of Cincinnati’s West End to actively participate in the reuse and repair of underutilized parcels in their neighborhood.

Perception and Legel Geography: Facilitating Interaction with Invisible Boundaries
through AR-VR
Gabriel Cuéllar and Athar Mufreh
The goal of this project is to produce an AR-VR environment that facilitates interaction with legal boundaries, which are invisible but have substantial material, political, and social impacts, for designers and the broader public.

InVisible Infrastructures:
Elisa Ngan, Laura Ngan, Abhishek Narula
InVisible Infrastructures prototype show repair will be embedded in data architectures in the current and near-future by spatially prototyping the liminal work flows of air plane mechanics and visualizing the data systems and work flows necessary to create the experience.

Model Shot:
Glamorizing the Visualization of People in Space
John McMorrough, Julia McMorrough, Ana Morcillo Pallarés, Jonathan Rule
As the issues of representation (both literal and conceptual) find new relevancies within an expanding range of identities, the project “Model Shots: Glamorizing the Visualization of People in Space” develops new modes of being seen at the intersection of emerging technologies (immersive digitality) and long-standing architectural convention (locations and their depictions) as a testing ground for developing imaginaries of how people see themselves in a wide range of contexts.

Pluriversal Governance:
Visualizing Organizations for Architecture
Jose Sanchez & Ivan Gort-Cabeza de Vaca
This project will examine the composition and outcomes of various organizational structures for the production of architecture, such as a limited liability company, non-profit structures or cooperative models. The project proposes the development of interactive visualization tools which will open a conversation regarding presently existing models with their incentive structures as well as propose new speculative organizations.
U-M Arts Initiative, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 2023 Artist Residency
Architecture and Urban Planning
Tel. 734.881.4062
Room #2106
2000 Bonisteel Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
2000 Bonisteel Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
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